
Ringworm Treatment Info | Ringworm Cure Information

istock 000011068407small2 300x198 Stages of RingwormThe stages of ringworm are slightly different in appearance depending on where the infection is on the body.  A ringworm infection on the scalp may not look like a ringworm infection on the skin.  However, it is important to known the symptoms so that if you recognize one, you can find a ringworm cure and start treatment immediately.

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Although most ringworm infections are commonly found in areas of the body where the skin is fairly flat and open to exposure, ringworm can affect any portion of the human skin. Being that ringworm is caused by a fungus, and fungi are very resilient and hardy little organisms, any portion of skin that comes into contact with these fungal agents is at risk. Applying a ringworm treatment the moment you suspect an infection will not only minimize the chances of the infection getting worse but also of you spreading it to others.

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David Gruby is considered the founder of medical microbiology.  He was the son of a poor Jewish peasant in a village at Baczka, a fertile district of southern Hungary and grew up in the mid 1700′s.  Long before anyone knew anything about a ringworm treatment or the nature of the infection, Dr. Gruby isolated and defined what a ringworm infection is…

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Ringworm derives its name from the classic red, round “worm like” lesion seen on human skin that is infected.  It is not a worm though; it is a fungus that is spread from animals to humans.  Dermatophytosis is the medical term for “fungal infection of the skin, hair or claws” (keratinized tissue).  Ringworm is not a worm, it is a fungus that can infect the skin of animals and humans.  Some species of dermatophyte fungi live in the soil, some are adapted to humans, and some are adapted to animals, with worldwide distribution.  The animal dematophytes are the ones known as “ringworm.”  Because it is transmissible to humans from animals, it is also known as a zoonotic disease.

 What Causes Ringworm?What causes a ringworm infection?

Ringworm is not caused by a worm.  It is caused by a fungus.  The kinds of fungi that cause ringworm live and spread on the top layer of the skin and on the hair.  They grow best in warm, moist areas, such as locker rooms , in swimming pools and skin folds.  Continue reading →

Ringworm, a fungal infection of the skin, can be difficult to detect in the early stages.  And it is during the early stages when using a ringworm treatment is most important so that the infection stays mild and therefore is easier to treat.  So if we can recognize the symptoms, we can know when and how to cure ringworm…

Symptoms of ringworm include:

  • Itchy, red, raised, scaly patches that may blister and ooze.

  • The patches tend to have sharply-defined edges.

  • Red patches are often redder around the outside with normal skin tone in the center. This may look like a ring.

If ringworm affects your hair, you will have bald patches.

If ringworm affects your nails, they will become discolored, thick, and even crumble.  This condition is known as nail fungus and will specifically require a Toenail Fungus Treatment.

Hello Everyone! We’d like to take time to thank all of our visitors (past and present) for looking us up to find valuable information on ringworm infections and the best methods for prevention.  Ringworm is a very prevalent condition but can be treated effectively once detected.  The purpose of this website is to provide useful content about the variety of ringworm treatments and prevention techniques.

We are also extremely open to responses and communication from our readers so please feel free to share your experiences, thoughts and questions with our panel of “ringworm” experts.  Our goal is simply to help anyone suffering from a ringworm infection find the best possible treatment to eliminate the infection as swiftly as possible.  Happy reading!

