
Ringworm in Chinese Crested Powder-puff, ringworm


My Chinese Crested has ringworm!  How do I treat this please, I am very concerned about getting it, I have two children! What do I need to do? He has been EVERY WHERE in our home and all over us.  He has made himself red raw from liking himself, the vet gave us 15Prednisolone 5mg tablets and 2 Vetolexin 100mg oral paste.  Please help! Thank you. Answer

Hi Suzanne,

Sorry to hear your dog has ringworm. The Vetolexin your vet prescribed is used to treat skin infections, your dog must have secondary skin problems due to the chewing and itching. The Prednisolone is probably being used to to lessen symptoms and perhaps reduce inflammation. Most of the time ringworm goes away on it’s own, which is why these medications aren’t directly targeting the ringworm itself. If your dog is still itching, talk to your vet about using a topical anti-fungal cream, an anti-fungal shampoo, or oral Ketoconazole tablets.

Since it’s the weekend, and your vet might not be available, and your dog might be going crazy with the itch, apply a topical antifungal cream containing Miconazole 2% twice a day in the direction of the lay of the hair. You can buy this over the counter at a pharmacy, examples are: Micatin Antifungal Cream, Actavis Antifungal Cream, and Micro-Guard Cream Antifungal Cream with 2% Miconazole Nitrate (look in the “jock itch” or “athlete’s foot” section). Contact your vet Monday, and let him/her know you’re using this medication, the vet will advise you to continue or discontinue, or possibly prescribe something else.

Ringworm spores can survive for up to a year and needs be eliminated from the environment (your home). Discard your dog’s bedding. Vacuum the carpets and floor at least weekly to remove infected hair and dander.  Throw away the vacuum cleaner bag once you are done. Mop and wash hard surfaces (floors, countertops, dog runs) using diluted bleach.  Don’t use bleach on your dog or or let him back into the area until the smell of bleach has completely dissipated. Technical Captan can be used as a spray in a dilution of 1:200 in water to treat a kennel area. Don’t allow your dog to play with other dogs, and if he’s been playing with other dogs recently, notify their owners.

Strict hand-washing precautions are necessary to prevent human contamination. Children should not be allowed to handle pets with ringworm. Wash contaminated clothing and fabrics with bleach.

I hope I’ve been a help. I hope things improve soon.
Best of luck,


