
How Do Dogs Get Ringworm Infections? - Welcome to the Phytozine Blog

One of the most regular ways in which humans can contract a fungal infection and need a ringworm cure is from their dogs.  Snuggling up with a dog is a wonderful thing but their hair makes it very hard to know if they have a ringworm infection.  Dogs can get a these infections in many different ways and it’s important to know this so you can help prevent it.  Review this list and you can minimize the chances for both you and your pet get ringworm:

Food – Often from food that has been left outside or thrown on the ground.  Old dog food or scraps can be a ringworm heaven because they are perfect environments for fungus growth.  It’s best to always feed dogs with fresh foods.

Soil – Fungus can grow and thrive into soil and dirt particularly if it stays damn or cool.  If your dog is a digger, it’s a good idea to have him/her tested for ringworm fairly often.  Dogs will lick their paws after digging to clean themselves up and the fungal infection will get into their bloodstream or on other parts of their body.

Mothers Milk – This is typical in puppies.  Fungal agents can live in the intestines of dogs and attach themselves to foods that pass through.  They sometimes get circulated to the mothers milk and when the puppies feed, the infection is spread.  It’s a good idea to have a mother dog tested after having a litter of puppies

Dog poop – Be sure to dispose of any dog poop that gets on your lawn rather than letting is sit for awhile. Although it’s not our favorite thing to admit, it’s a fact that dogs sometimes like to taste poop where fungal agents are very often alive and well.

Be proactive and protect your dog from these high risk situation and you will be less likely to have to seek a ringworm cure for yourself!

