
Beware of ringworm in domestic animals

Diseases of the skin are the most common diseases in dogs and cats. And in this area, ringworm is one of the most common fungal infections.

Pet ringworm

Ringworm is a condition associated with growth of fungus on the skin, also called fungi. It results in lesions of various aspects in general animal by alopecia shaped coins on the face or even the rest of the body. The first appearances of depilation then appear ten days after infection. This condition, although not putting in jeopardy the life of the animal, is transmitted to humans and especially children, it is imperative to consult a veterinarian as soon as possible to treat pet ringworm!

How do we detect?

The condition may result from an environment filled (carpet, bedding, etc …) because the spores of the fungus are introduced in a suitable environment and can stay there for several months without being noticed. The other possibility is the simple contact with an animal or a person with the disease of ringworm.

To detect if the diagnosis is real, the veterinarian will conduct various tests such as the lighting of the skin using a special lamp – the lamp of Wood – revealing the fluorescence of the fungus, a microscopic examination of hair or culturing. It is likely that the veterinarian is also conducting a comprehensive health assessment may be necessary for the reproduction of the fungus on the skin is promoted by a decrease in the immune system, usually caused by an illness, a change in environment or diet inhibited.

How does one treatment?

There are several treatments, on the importance of infection. In a minimal size of the ringworm, applying an antifungal ointment to the area requiring treatment during ten days is sufficient. In more pronounced, the administration of an oral medication for a month is recommended and sometimes in the most extreme cases, the solution suffers by making full mowing the affected animal. It should be noted that the response to treatment is not immediate and it takes a fortnight before stopping hair loss. In addition, the animal remains contagious for 2 to 3 weeks.

Escaping to recidivism

The first reaction is the elimination of spores of the house: the environment, the soil and possibly infected objects must be absolutely clean. There are also smoke to deal effectively and lasting an entire room. It is important to remember that dogs and cats are part of our everyday life! Prevention is the best ensure their good health with regular checkups. Certain rules of hygiene are often beneficial for the health of all.

