
Ringworm In Animals | Ringworm Cure Information

Hi Readers,

Just wanted to share an excellent comment/testimonial from a reader of ours.  Her dog got a nasty ringworm infection and they had to battle through a couple of solutions before finding the proper ringworm treatment.  Thanks for sharing Corinne!

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ringworm1 300x237 Tidbits About Ringworm In Dogs- Ringworm in dogs is most regularly found in puppies and younger dogs since they spend more time rolling around, playing and getting into higher risk situations.

- Ringworm infections can be spread by the spores of soil and/or contact with the infected hair of dogs.  Usually the type found on brushes, combs, toys, carpet and furniture.

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Ringworm is a skin infection caused by a type of fungus called a “dermatophyte.”  The common name “ringworm” comes from the look of the infected skin.  There is often a pink, scaling area of skin with a clear center and a well-defined edge, giving the appearance of a ring.  In order to find the proper cure for ringworm, one needs to have a little bit of background about the opponent.

Dermatophytes like to grow in warm, moist areas.  “Athlete’s foot,” for example, is a fungal infection that occurs around and between the toes.  “Jock itch” is a fungal infection of the upper, inner thighs and the groin.  Fungal infections can occur anywhere on skin, including the scalp, fingernails and toenails.

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Ringworm derives its name from the classic red, round “worm like” lesion seen on human skin that is infected.  It is not a worm though; it is a fungus that is spread from animals to humans.  Dermatophytosis is the medical term for “fungal infection of the skin, hair or claws” (keratinized tissue).  Ringworm is not a worm, it is a fungus that can infect the skin of animals and humans.  Some species of dermatophyte fungi live in the soil, some are adapted to humans, and some are adapted to animals, with worldwide distribution.  The animal dematophytes are the ones known as “ringworm.”  Because it is transmissible to humans from animals, it is also known as a zoonotic disease.

 Cats And RingwormIs ringworm contagious?

Yes.  Ringworm is highly contagious and if caught it’s important to apply a ringworm cure as soon as possible to reduce treatment times.  It can be passed from cat to cat, dog to cat, cat to dog, cat to human, etc. and the longer it is allowed to sit untreated, the worse the infection will become.

How does a cat become infected with ringworm?

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