
Pets And Ringworm | Ringworm Cure Information

Hi Readers,

Just wanted to share an excellent comment/testimonial from a reader of ours.  Her dog got a nasty ringworm infection and they had to battle through a couple of solutions before finding the proper ringworm treatment.  Thanks for sharing Corinne!

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ringworm1 300x237 Tidbits About Ringworm In Dogs- Ringworm in dogs is most regularly found in puppies and younger dogs since they spend more time rolling around, playing and getting into higher risk situations.

- Ringworm infections can be spread by the spores of soil and/or contact with the infected hair of dogs.  Usually the type found on brushes, combs, toys, carpet and furniture.

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David Gruby is considered the founder of medical microbiology.  He was the son of a poor Jewish peasant in a village at Baczka, a fertile district of southern Hungary and grew up in the mid 1700′s.  Long before anyone knew anything about a ringworm treatment or the nature of the infection, Dr. Gruby isolated and defined what a ringworm infection is…

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Classic symptoms of ringworm in cats include skin lesions that typically appear on the Leopard Sleeping 300x206 Cats Often Get Ringwormhead, ears and forelimbs. Ringworm can cause flaky bald patches that sometimes look red in the center. In mild cases, there may be localized areas of redness or simply dandruff, while more severe infections can spread over a cat’s entire body. It’s also possible for a pet to carry ringworm spores and not show any symptoms whatsoever.

A cat can get ringworm directly through contact with an infected animal-or indirectly through contact with bedding, dishes and other materials that have been contaminated with the skin cells or hairs of infected animals. Ringworm spores are notoriously hardy and can survive in the environment for more than a year. And by the way, we are talking about domestic cats not the napping leopard in the image above!

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