
My Doggy Worlds

Dog BreedingIf you are the owner of a female dog you may have already considered the issue of dog breeding. You can never be certain about your dog’s life expectancy, and by allowing her to produce pups you will at least be guaranteed some continuity. Training pups can be a daunting task but it is also very rewarding; and you can choose to sell any that you don’t need. It is important to remember, however, that breeding dogs is not an easy task; and you will need to start off by finding the right mate.

Once puppies are born it will be your responsibility as the breeder to take good care of them. You may become emotionally attached to some of them, but you should not allow your emotions to interfere with your plans. You need to be prepared for the inevitable because sooner or later the pups will be going to new homes. Read more »

know your dog ringworm

Dog roundworm, Dog ringworm

Dog roundworm, Dog ringworm

If your dogs at home have ringworm, then it is not impossible that you too could possibly be infected by it. Ringworm is a skin infection caused by a group of fungi called “dermatophytes”. These ringworm causing fungi prefer to live on human and animal skin. Why? It is because dermatophytes feed on keratin and keratin can mostly be found on areas of the body such as nails, scalp, feet as well as the groin. Keratin is not only found on humans but animals as well such as cats, dogs, sheep and cattle. They also love to live on areas that are warm and moist.

Before you get any of those fungal infections, it is best if you get them off your dogs as soon as possible. Read more »

Funny Birthday Cards for Dog Lovers
funny dog, funny dog lovers, funny petThey speak in loving tones to and about their companion. Dog lovers enjoy getting birthday cards that focus on that love. Funny birthday cards for dog lovers are also appreciated. Just imagine what might be contained in the following 7, and you will see what I mean:

1. Funny English Bulldog birthday cards

2. Amusing Jack Russell terrier birthday cards

3. Hilarious Black Labrador birthday cards

4. Droll Dachshund birthday cards

5. Witty French Poodle birthday cards

6. Comical Golden Retriever birthday cards

7. Humorous Saint Bernard birthday cards Read more »

  • Dog and Ring Worms

    Dog and Ring Worms

    A dog with ring worms, Even when fed and cared for properly, there are health problems that dogs can be prone to. With the many illnesses that can affect a dog’s health, it is very important for the owner to be aware of the need for good sanitation in the food, the doghouse and anywhere the dog spends a lot of time. To protect against such deadly viruses as rabies, etc., dogs must also be routinely vaccinated. Below, we will discuss ringworm, a common dog illness – what it is and what to do about it.

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  • Nursing a sick dog is one of the vital measures that a dog owner needs to understand. Similarly, when a dog becomes sick, the dog is in need of more care and affection based activities by the dog owners. Nursing a sick animal is often considered as an art and this should not be taken as a causal measure.

    Yes. You need to take extra care to the dog when it becomes sick. For example, the sick dog with high fever needs to be given only some bread pieces and bulky non-vegetarian items may be avoided. Such dogs should be kept in some calm place after medications are taken and should not be disturbed. During the nursing of the dog who has taken the drug, the animal needs coaxing and stroking by the owner. Don’t raise the dog’s head too much to avoid the passing of drugs given by the mouth directly into the respiratory organs like lungs. During the nursing measures, take care by giving warm fluids.

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    Just one of the most typical reasons for newborn puppy dog deaths is what has been named as the “fading doggy syndrome.” Many of the unexplained puppy dog deaths that fall into this category would undoubtedly go elsewhere if only an accurate diagnosis could be made. Unfortunately, many of these poor little pets die so rapidly that no diagnosis can be made.

    The facts are that whether or not the fading puppy syndrome is actually a distinct disease is still questionable. Many believe that it is what happens to any puppy dog that is unprepared, for whatever the reason, to face the stress of living in the world outside of his mother’s womb. Whether or not the failure in preparation occurs before or after the dog is born depends on the reason for the puppy’s fading, Read more »

    Hyperplasia In Aged Male Dogs

    Hyperplasia of the prostate gland is a benign expansion due to an increase in how many cells within the gland and happens in about 2/3 of aged male pet dogs. However, only a small percentage of these puppies ever show any recognizable signs of the abnormality. The main cause is unknown but is thought to be an imbalance of the hormones generated in maturity testicles. As the prostate is located directly below the rectum, the enlarged gland may press up against the rectal walls and cause difficulties and suffering while defecating, straining, and constipation. Unlike man, there is rarely any pain or problems in urinating.

    Treatment with an estrogen injection usually prevents the symptoms, reduces the size of the prostate within five or six days, and will keep it that way for several months, in most cases, and occasionally for several years. Some few pet dogs respond poorly, or not at all, and can be helped only by castration, which causes a permanent shrinking of the prostate. Read more »

